
“Lightweight solutions for a world of heavyweight problems.”

Sustainability, in the broader sense, encompasses all aspects of our impact on the environment. Northeast Solite Corporation is committed to the development of products and processes that lessen our carbon footprint and improve the quality of the environment.

We do this by first providing lightweight aggregate products that have a longer life-cycle. Second, by process—creating products that conserve energy through higher insulative values, lower temperature, and air quality control costs. Third, by developing products that save lives—exceeding fire codes and increasing the time for safe egress. Fourth, by improving water quality, filtering runoff with constructed wetlands, green roofs, rooftop gardens, engineered soils, and ground covers.

Our products, Solite® HydroCure® and GREENLITETM expanded shale used in construction aids in:

  • the conservation of energy

  • maximizing structural efficiency

  • lowering transportation costs

  • maximizing life span of the project

  • improving water quality

Fully utilized, Solite® and GREENLITETM may bring up to 21 points to your LEED project. Viewed in the long term, the use of lightweight aggregate will reduce life cycle costs of the building, conserve energy, and increase the structure’s overall useful life.